1. If I know what love is, it is because of you – Hermann Hesse

2. You are the source of my joy, the center of my world and the whole of my heart.

3. Everywhere I look I am reminded of your love. You are my world.

4. Your love shines in my heart as the sun that shines upon the earth – Eleanor Di Guillo

5. My angel, my life, my entire world, you’re the one that I want, the one that I need, let me be with you always, my love, my everything.

6. I may not be your first date, kiss or love…but I want to be your last everything.

7. Each day I love you more, today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. – Rosemonde Gerard

8. Being in love with you makes every morning worth getting up for….

9. Your voice is my favorite sound.

10. You’re that part of me I’ll always need.

11. Some people search their whole lives to find what I found in you.

I wanna live, sleep, and wake up by your side.

13. Why can’t you just magically pop into my room with me and just cuddle for the rest of the night and kiss my head when I start to fall asleep?

14. I am very indecisive and always have trouble picking my favorite anything. But, without a doubt, you are my favorite everything.

15. I don’t wanna close my eyes, I don’t wanna fall asleep, cuz I’d miss you babe and I don’t wanna miss a thing. – Aerosmith

16. Morning without you is a dwindled dawn. — Emily Dickinsona

17. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same – Emily Brontë

18. One day, I caught myself smiling without no reason, then I realized I was thinking of you.

19. Absence is to love as wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small and kindles the great. — Roger de Bussy-Rabutin

20. The scariest thing about distance is you don’t know if they’ll miss you or forget about you.— Nicholas Sparks

21. I like the way you make me feel even when I’m nowhere near.

22. I’d rather see you one day a year than someone else seven days a week

23. Your absence has not taught me how to be alone; it has merely shown me that when together we cast a single shadow on the wall. — Doug Fetherling

24. I miss you so much more than the miles between us.

25. Don’t settle for a relationship that won’t let you be yourself. – Oprah Winfrey

26. Only time can heal your broken heart, just as only time can heal his broken arms and legs. – Miss Piggy

27. Sexiness is a state of mind – a comfortable state of being. It’s about loving yourself in your most unlovable moments. – Halle Berry

28. To be brave is to love unconditionally without expecting anything in return. – Madonna

29. Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it. – Braveheart

30 I refuse to let what happened to me make me bitter. I still completely believe in love and I’m open to anything that will happen to me. – Nicole Kidman

31. Love to me is someone telling me, ‘I want to be with you for the rest of my life, and if you needed me to I’d jump out of a plane for you. – Jennifer Lopez

32. Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. Pain of love lasts a lifetime. – Bette Davis

33. Men are a luxury. Not a necessity. – Cher

34. We accept the love we think we deserve. – Stephen Chbosky

35. Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. – Oscar Wilde

36.My heart is, and always will be, yours. – Sense and Sensibility

37. Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. – Alfred Tennyson

38.The best way to mend a broken heart is time and girlfriends. – Gwyneth Paltrow

39. Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit. — Khalil Gibran

40. A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love. – Max Muller

41. You are my heart, my life, my entire existence. – Julie Kagawa