1. I just wanted to tell you that I love you and I appreciate everything that you do for me and for our family.

2. Every day of my life is perfect because it starts and ends with loving you.

3. I have seen the best of you and the worst of you, and I choose both

4. I cannot promise that I will be the perfect wife. But I can promise you that I will choose to love you every day.

5. If I did anything right in my life it was when I gave my heart to you.

6. Every single day that I spend being your wife, I realize how lucky I am to live such an amazing life.

7. The only thing better than me having you as my husband is our children having you as their father.

8. When life seems full of problems, your love revives me and keeps me strong.

9. I am blessed that you are the man that I chose to be with. You are my superhero.

11. If I could sit across the porch from God, I’d thank Him for lending me you.

12. If I had my life to live all over again, I would find you sooner so that I could love you longer.

13. I love you with all my butt. I would say heart, but my butt is bigger.

14. Never ask why I love you. Just accept that I do, and that I will for the rest of my life.

15. You are the sun in my day, the wind in my sky, the waves in my ocean, and the beat in my heart.

16. All the men in this world should learn a thing or two, about being a perfect husband from you.

17. Knowing that you will always be there to love me back no matter what is my life’s biggest security.

18. Times are hard, but sharing them with you makes everything easier. The most difficult of burdens are made simple when I am with you.

29. My dear husband, you gave me a gift – a new life, which is a continuation of our love. You are the sense of my life.

20. I am so thankful to be your wife, for I have a husband that is so caring and loving.

21. Seeing you in my dreams makes my day. You will always be the one that I love from the bottom of my heart.

22. The best part of our marriage is that the look in your flirty eyes still makes me feel like the most beautiful girl alive.

23. The day I married you was the day two souls become one. Thank you, for being my soulmate, my love!

24. I belong to you. You’re the one I want for my entire life, day and night, and for all four seasons.

25. My life’s biggest achievement is that I get to be with an awesome man like you every day!

26. My husband is a promise that I will have a friend forever.

27. Even after so many years of our marriage, my heart skips a beat when I see your face every morning.

28. You are the poem I never knew how to write, and this life is the story I always wanted to tell.

29. You lend me your smile when I don’t have my own. You top it with a kiss, a tickle, a clean sink. My man, you are treat.

30. 52 weeks. 365 days. 8,736 hours. 525,600 minutes. 31,536,000 seconds. Fresh moments, like the dew drops of heaven to spend with you. Nowhere else would I rather be than with you.

31. You are a sweet song sent from God to add beauty to my days.

32. You have learned to focus on being the best person for me, instead of focusing on how I can be the best person for you. It has made loving easy.

33. You are my favorite of all time, and we are living the best love story ever told.

34. Happiness is dozing off in your arms.

35. I love how you take care of me. I love how you keep working to be a better man. Even on days I fail to be a better woman.

36. You made falling in love easy. You’ve made staying in love easy.

37. I want to flirt with you all day, every day.

38. They say iron sharpen irons because of close proximity. But when I am close to you, my knees turn to jelly, my heart melts like butter and my stomach flutters. No iron here, just mush.

39. You make it easy to believe in lifelong love.

40. I see how God loves me through how you love me.

41. Thank you for loving me better today than you did yesterday. For working to become the man God wants you to be.

42. I love your male mind; I push back on a lot of things you say but darling I want you to know I am thrilled not to wake up and feel like I married myself. I love your genius

43. I love who you will become tomorrow, but I love you now before tomorrow comes.

44. Thank you for not making me feel like a failure when I fail, but cheering me on and showing me how to get up.

45. When I count my blessings, I thank God you are the greatest of them all.

46. You are my biggest gift not because you are perfect but because you never quit trying to be the best version God has called you to be

47 .You are my happily ever after. No higher bliss.

48. Our marriage doesn’t have a formula. It’s an adventure into God’s heart. I adore our ride together.

49. You chose to wrap your arms around me. Words could have been spoken, but instead, you opted to contain them and take the action that raced my heart. Thank you for gentle hugs, hand on my shoulder, squeeze on the arm, kiss on my tired forehead, shimmer of affirmation, nod across the room, crooked smile before bedtime. Oh how you speak volumes without saying a word.

50. You have allowed God to teach you in private. Without an audience, without a show. I am privileged to join the audience of One and witness your transformation. I love doing life with you.

51. You are the reason I can’t wipe this silly smile off my face. Quirky? Your middle name.

52. You are not responsible for my happiness, but I cherish how you have made my happiness your highest aspiration.

53. You chose to marry me and every day you choose to stay happily married to me. My best friend, partner in mischief. Let’s be silly. Forever.

54. I love chasing God’s dream together. I love following your lead because the view is spectacular.

55. Our love is friendship on fire; thank you for treating our marriage like you want it to last a lifetime.

56. Your love for me is flawless, your commitment impeccable. Your only concern is my happiness, you make me feel so special. I love you.

57. If I know what love is, it is because of you. –Hermann Hesse

58. Every beat of my heart belongs to you, every ray of sunshine comes from you, and every air that I breathe, I breathe for you.

59. I have a crush on your mind, I fell for your personality, and your looks are just a big bonus. – The Notebook

60. I would never get tired of letting you know that you are the best and I love you!

61. The best thing that ever happened to me is loving you.

62. My heart is and always will be yours. – Jane Austen

63. The biggest achievement of my life is that being in love with an awesome man like you every day. I love you my husband.

64. Feeling our hearts beat together as one whenever I hold you is the best thing in life.

65. Let me kiss you in the rain so you may know what perfection is.

66. For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.